Saturday, January 2, 2010

Our First Week Home

This afternoon marks one whole week we've been at home since Haven was born. Here are her birth stats: She was born at Northside Hopsital Wednesday, Dec 23 at 6:46pm. She was 7lbs, 11oz and 20-1/4" long, Haven Rae Barry. Even though it wasn't what we planned, after 25 hours of labor, Haven was delivered via c-section.
So, one week ago Haven was weighing in at 7lbs, 3oz and nursing like a champ. We've had lots of family visits as it was the Christmas holiday. We were so happy to have Sam and Sarah in town, as well as Dave and Tera. It was really a great way to start Haven's life, to have so much family and love surrounding her.
On Monday, we went to the pediatrician. Haven weighed in at 7lbs, 10 oz; almost back up to her birth weight - hooray! We forgot to bring a diaper bag, and of course Haven needed a change while we were there. It was a pretty good place to forget it though, as of course, they had plenty of diapers.
Here are some fun things we've noticed about Haven. She has really good hand coordination. She's not one to constantly scratch her own face with her nails, and when she wants to grab onto something, she gets it on the first try. She's also doing well at looking at things; close faces, movement of the fan, and light sources. At her one week "birthday," we noticed her sucking her thumb and lifting her head by herself! She can also squirm her way along the crib mattress, out of a swaddle and out of a diaper! We learned the "squirm her way out of a diaper" the hard way...
This week, we've had a wonderful time learning how life feels with three of us in the house. Chris goes back to work tomorrow. Haven and I will have to learn how to get along without him during the day. :)

(In the above shot, Haven is one week old. Thanks to Christina Warden for this AWESOME pic!!)

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